I really don't understand why the topic of abortion is such a big debate. In my opinion, just leave it to the individual. Like seriously. Your body, Your choice. I can't grasp the concept of outsiders telling someone what they should do with their fetus/baby.
Although, I would acknowledge that a lot of abortion cases are completely subjective. One of the main reasons for abortion is that a women might get raped(god forbid), and choose not to keep the baby. In that case, I think the women deserves the right to abort or keep the baby, whatever she chooses. Abortions don't happen just because of rape and incest. There are a lot of other situations which prompt women to choose to have an abortion, with prominent instances including financial difficulties and even medical issues with the unborn child.
I think that no matter what, trying to solve the problem of if abortion is legal or not will be a lose-lose situation. There will always be individual cases that are negatively affected by the outcome, such as rape victims unable to get an abortion if it becomes illegal. I think we can start elsewhere. Instead of tackling the big scary dilemma, we can try to improve conditions which might lower chances of abortion. For example, the age group of 18 to 24 make up a portion of women who get an abortion. We can emphasize protected sex and birth control to lessen the chances of an unwanted pregnancy. Furthermore, antiabortionists might argue how abortions cause depression and feelings of suicide. This claim is false, but even if it were true, we can educate the mothers so they understand what they are doing, and the effects of their choice. I'm sure if the individual is informed and understood the consequences of their actions, some antiabortionists might be at ease.
I still believe that ultimately, it is up to the mother to decided what to do with her baby. We all make hard choices, but at least we are the ones in control of what we decide to do. There is nothing wrong with aborting a baby if the mother decided to take that route. We should respect the decisions of others, even if it doesn't agree with ours, similar to religions.
