The drug maker Pfizer said on Wednesday that its coronavirus vaccine was 95 percent effective and had no serious side effects. The data showed that the vaccine prevented mild and severe forms of Covid-19, the company said. And it was 94 percent effective in older adults, who are more vulnerable to developing severe Covid-19 and who do not respond strongly to some types of vaccines.

Finally some good news. The stock market rebounded and that was great for my portfolio.(I went up 100 whole dollars). However, cases are still rising across the country, and it is very likely that we will still have to hunker down and brace for another spike. Personally, I hope that these pharmaceutical industries take the time and not rush the vaccine out, like some government officials are trying to do. We have to guarantee results from this vaccine, so it is best to take precaution. It is really good news that big companies are so far ahead in the race for a vaccine, most notably Moderna, Johnson&Johnson, and of course Pfizer. I am also curious if the vaccine will be free or if it will come with a money tag. Based on the information, the vaccine will be free for Americans as it is being covered by taxpayers or something like that.
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